

A lot of art.

A dash of change here and there.

A dose of courage.

Bits and pieces of bravery.

Strain in the cherished memories and lessons learned of the past.

Layer in context over content.

A handful of diced disciplines.

A scoop of melted generosity.

Sift in enough fear to know it’s there, but not enough to overwhelm the taste.

Add whimsy to liking. (Use more than you think you need)


Take your time.

Stir until soupy.

Let simmer while you take a long walk.

Enjoy with gratitude and pause long enough to savor the flavor.


Goes well with life, relationships, and business.

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One thought on “Soup

  1. keikea says:

    Good job! Life lesson in an analogical and poetical way!

I would love to hear your feedback.