Golf and Gossip (and anything else for that matter)

You are not good at golf the first time you ever take a swing.

The more you play, the better you get.

Sure, some have a natural swing, but for most, the more they tee it up, the better they get.

And this goes for everything.

The more we tee up a critique, the better we become at critiquing. The more we tee up empathy and compassion the more comfortable we become at leaving our shoes and entering another’s.

So here’s the work…

Can you be aware enough today (and tomorrow) to realize that your practices and disciplines may have you on a trajectory that is nowhere close to your true goals and desires?

Practice doesn’t make perfect.

It creates purpose.


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One thought on “Golf and Gossip (and anything else for that matter)

  1. anndbishop says:

    Great message!

I would love to hear your feedback.