Tag Archives: seth godin

Adios Summer. Things learned. Things seen. Things Enjoyed. And things worth sharing.

More and more of less and less. This has become my mantra for 2014 and I’ve read and gathered a ton of great data, information, random experiences, and insight as to how this mantra can help anyone in any period of their lives.

Check out these books.

Alton Lane.  Instead of 3 suits, buy one really great/perfect/made-to-fit suit. It’s fun too.

Moleskin Journal for Evernote. If you’re an Evernote user, you’ll love this. If you journal, you’ll love this. If you only do one of these, you’ll be doing the other by the time you’ve filled the pages. Hint: reflection is a great teacher.

The Daily Beast Cheat Sheet. Everything you need in national and global news. Just a couple minutes and your up-to-date with relevant and important information. Then go make your own news.

Miles Davis. Let us not forget what jazz does to our bones.

Seaside, Florida. Imagine a world without McDonalds or Starbucks. Welcome to Seaside. We think you’ll find some clarity here.

Godspeed in your pursuit of the music that creates meaning, purpose, and fulfillment and I hope to see you around.

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The Way

The way Norah Jones finishes her lyrics.

The way Seth Godin gets us to the point.

The way that one friend cares.

The way Ralph Waldo Emerson shared his awareness.

The way Sinatra did it his way.

The way a mother just knows.

The way a coach believes.

The way Apple designs.

The way that one person gave you a chance.

The way that you experienced that caused you to never be the same.

And then there’s the way you do that special thing you were sent here to do.

Which leads us back to that comma conversation. Be a way that paves the way for another’s way.

We’re all in this together. I for you and you for me.

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The Question(s) Great Lives Bring Us

Great lives do not push agendas, rather they pull us in with questions for our awareness to how things are and how we can we can make the world a better place.

Jobs asked if we were settling for good when incredible was nearby.

Godin is asking if we are accepting the status quo or challenging it.

Ramsey is asking if we are living like everyone else or no one else.

Rick Warren is questioning our purpose or lack thereof.

What are you giving us to think about?

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Quotes For Summer Thinking Which Should Lead To Summer Action

A few quotes I’ve been dwelling on this summer…

  • It is not the smartest or most intelligent species that survive, but the species that is adaptable to change. Charles Darwin
  • The time to nurse and idea is at its birth. Napoleon Hill
  • One way to work the system is to work the system. The other way is to refuse to work it. Seth Godin
  • If we are going to create wow experiences, we must become courageous. This is a personal, psychological bridge we need to cross. Michael Hyatt
  • Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. Steve Jobs

Remember, resistance is very content with your knowledge bank, as long as you don’t go spend its deposits. Therefore, we can’t just read words like these, we must live them.



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